Fibromyalgia Awareness Month: 5 Tips to Combat Chronic Pain in Daily Life, from Someone Who’s Done it

May is Fibromyalgia Awareness Month, a disease with no known cause that impacts 4 million adults in the US alone according to the CDC. With women being twice as likely to have fibromyalgia when compared to men.

As we enter this month of awareness, let us ask ourselves: how can we support and better understand those with fibromyalgia, and what can we do to increase awareness and research efforts for this debilitating condition?

Jaya Jaya Myra, former immunologist turned mind-body wellness expert and bestselling author, battled debilitating Fibromyalgia and chronic pain for years before discovering holistic, fully natural methods to combat and completely heal herself and life. Now, she doesn’t have a trace of fibro anymore and rarely (if ever) gets sick, either!

“Cultivating a comprehensive understanding of fibromyalgia is crucial to proper healing and treatment. While fibro may seem incurable and entirely overwhelming, it does not have to be lifelong battle. Allopathic approaches to fibro healing have proven themselves faulty and unreliable; but holistic methods can ultimately pave a path to reclaiming one’s well-being – as they did for me. My journey from chronic pain caused by fibromyalgia to total mind-body wellness is a testament to power of natural healing and mindfulness practices. Even the smallest adjustments using mind-body wellness approaches can help propel us on a journey towards lifelong vitality and true wellness,” says Jaya Jaya Myra.
Here are Jaya Jaya Myra’s top 5 mind-body tips to combat fibromyalgia and chronic pain in daily life
Tip #1: Eliminate Dairy & Inflammatory Foods from Your Diet

Dairy products are known to trigger inflammation in the body, as are other foods including refined sugars. Even if you don’t experience GI issues or bloating, consuming dairy can cause headaches, brain fog, and generalized body pain, as can refined sugars. Consider substituting plant-based alternatives to dairy products and finding natural sweetener options like honey, stevia, or monk fruit, and observe the difference it makes to your overall health.

Tip #2: Adopt a Daily Mindfulness or Meditation Practice

Meditation and mindfulness techniques are not just helpful in reducing stress levels, but also help to regulate the balance between the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system. Those who suffer from chronic pain often experience an overactive sympathetic nervous system, which prevents the parasympathetic nervous system from doing its job of healing and restoring the body. Cultivating the balance between the two systems is crucial to reducing pain and fatigue naturally. Meditation has been a game-changer for me in healing from fibromyalgia, and I strongly recommend it to anyone experiencing chronic pain.

Tip #3: Incorporate Adaptogenic Herbs for Adrenal Support

Adaptogenic herbs are widely used in both Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine to support the adrenals and promote overall wellbeing. These herbs have numerous benefits and can provide support wherever it’s needed in the body. For those struggling with fatigue and adrenal issues, herbs such as reishi, chaga, and ashwagandha can be particularly helpful. It’s also important to avoid caffeine and refined sugar, which can tax the adrenals.

Tip #4: Get Moving Every Day

Regular exercise is essential for maintaining overall mind-body wellbeing and improving physical health. This doesn’t necessarily mean engaging in intense aerobic workouts. Even simple activities like going for a walk or practicing daily yoga can significantly benefit your physical health and mental clarity. Spending time outside in the fresh air and moving your body can also help alleviate body pains.

Tip #5: Cultivate Purpose and Beauty in Life

There’s a strong correlation between purpose and health, both mentally and physically. Discovering and pursuing your life’s purpose can promote hormonal and immune health, as well as increase energy and motivation. It’s important to create beauty and meaning in your life, as these abstract concepts have a direct connection to physical health and wellness. The more you incorporate beauty and purpose into your life, the healthier you will feel.

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