“Sex On the Wrong Brain”: A Book and Website Linking Misdirected Reproductive Drive to a Surge in Global Extremism and Authoritarianism

The book and website, both titled “Sex On the Wrong Brain”, assert that sexism, racism, and authoritarianism are propelled by misdirected reproductive instincts, contending that these issues can be mitigated through sex education.

“When the health agencies of New York City and Australian states NSW and Queensland suggested masturbation as a safe sex alternative during the COVID pandemic they should have specified which hand to use,” states Ard Falten, the author.

Sex on the wrong brain”, or SOWB, is introduced as a comprehensive theory of thought and behaviour, grounded in the idea that the choice of hand used for sexual learning significantly impacts human actions. The theory posits that using the right hand has led to millennia of greed, authoritarian rule, patriarchy, and conflict, fuelling the mindset currently endangering the planet with global warming.

“COVID-19 was a mass sex on the wrong brain event,” claims Falten. He suggests that social distancing and lockdowns intensified typical authoritarian tactics. From Texas to Russia, through historical and modern empires, the drive to repress sexuality and control women and reproductive rights is seen as a tactic to heighten frustration in right-handed men, who are pivotal to authoritarian regimes.

The theory postulates that utilising the right hand, linked to the left brain hemisphere, associates impatient reproductive urges with left-brain thinking, which should be patient and objective. It outlines three primary symptoms:

  1. When sex influences cognitive processes like problem-solving and logic, it fosters quick solutions, hasty conclusions, and a preference for certainty.
  2. Associating sex with numerical and quantitative aspects leads to desires for more and bigger, fuelling greed and materialism.
  3. Misdirecting reproductive energy for unrelated purposes may exacerbate sexual dysfunction.

The website notes that authoritarianism is often gauged using the Uncertainty Avoidance Index. It introduces Certainty Deficit Disorder (CDD), attributing it to a range of extremist and anti-democratic behaviours driven by an irrational need for certainty and fear of uncertainty.

The certainty/uncertainty dynamic is employed to explain authoritarianism:

  • Increasing need for certainty and closure correlates with a heightened fear of change, diversity, unpredictability, and nature.
  • Certainty is often prioritised over truth.
  • Authoritarian leaders are expected to be certain, confident, decisive, and invariably correct, qualities perceived as intelligence and strength by their followers.
  • To foster certainty, authoritarian leaders and ideologies promote order and control, reducing the world to binary absolutes, fuelling intolerance, bigotry, extremism, and radicalism.
  • Complex, uncertainty-inducing issues like global warming are denied or oversimplified.

The website argues that linking sex with punishment and guilt enables authoritarian societies to establish thought patterns that repurpose reproductive energy towards creating and rationalizing non-existent certainty, potentially leading to lying, denial, hypocrisy, and sexual dysfunction.

Sexonthewrongbrain.com highlights:

  • Various factors influencing SOWB levels, including ancestry, gender, libido, frustration, etc.
  • Lower SOWB prevalence in females.
  • Potential implications for artificial intelligence.
  • The tendency of SOWB to worsen with age as established thought patterns persist and real sexual opportunities diminish.
  • Higher SOWB in descendants of ancient civilisations, contributing to misogyny and bigotry.
  • The use of culture, social stratification, discrimination, and religion to increase SOWB.
  • The potential of SOWB to incite violence and mental illness.
  • The evolution of human right-handed dominance and its link to SOWB.
  • The historical rise of SOWB and its evolutionary implications and research prospects.

“There’s evidence that some of our ancestors knew about sex on the wrong brain,” remarks Falten. He asserts that the theory, though potentially controversial, has far-reaching implications for democracy and progress, including the development of artificial intelligence.

The book and a screenplay, blending SOWB theory with a science fiction adventure comedy set in a near-future plagued by global warming, aim to broaden the theory’s appeal. Simon Barrett reviewed the book: “Yes, I like ‘Sex On the Wrong Brain’ a lot. If you like Douglas Adams and don’t mind a few ‘smutty’ bits, you will enjoy this book.” The screenplay has been recognised in various contests.

“Sex On the Wrong Brain” is available from major online bookstores and Amazon.

For more details, visit sexonthewrongbrain.com.

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