Danae Mercer Exposes Horrific Trolling and Stands Against Online Bullying

Social media influencer Danae Mercer, 36, has bravely opened up about the distressing trolling she has endured in recent months. She revealed that she has been subjected to hurtful comments branding her a “bad mum,” attacking her appearance, and even accusing her of using her baby as an accessory.

With a follower count of 2.3 million on Instagram (@danaemercer), Danae shares candid posts about motherhood since welcoming her first child, Aurora, in December 2022. She also addresses body image and the challenges faced by women.

In her latest post, Danae, originally from California but now residing in Florence, exposed the shocking abuse she has been subjected to. She shared examples of the hateful comments she has received through DMs and messages, including remarks such as, “Her belly button makes me heave,” and, “She looks like someone who has never held a baby before.”

Danae also recounted hurtful comments about her age, appearance, and mothering skills. The relentless bullying extended to labeling her as “saggy,” “disgusting,” and using her baby as an “accessory.”

In a video addressing the issue, Danae admitted feeling ashamed and revealed the impact the bullying had on her. She expressed that she had retreated, posting less frequently and adopting a more impersonal tone. However, she acknowledged that this was not the path she wanted to continue on.

Determined not to let the trolls win, Danae shared her realization that they were starting to have an adverse effect. She emphasized her desire for her daughter to grow up in a world where online hate does not possess the power to silence, shame, and diminish individuals.

Refusing to succumb to the bullies, Danae declared that she would no longer allow their actions to dictate her social media presence. She expressed her desire for her daughter to understand the importance of rising above darkness, anger, and cruelty. Danae emphasized the strength of kindness and the need to choose compassion, even in the face of hurt.

Concluding her message, Danae highlighted the power of empowered women uplifting one another and the significance of kindness in combating the cruelty of the world. While acknowledging the ease of being cruel in the digital age, she reiterated her commitment to creating a better future for her daughter, one where kindness prevails and online hate is diminished.

Danae’s courageous stand against online bullying serves as an inspiration to others, encouraging empathy, kindness, and resilience in the face of adversity.

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