Groundbreaking Announcement: The Cyber Scheme and CIISec as UK’s Premier Licensed Bodies for Cyber Security Chartership

The Cyber Scheme and The Chartered Institute of Information Security (CIISec) have proudly announced their distinction as the first ever Licensed Bodies for Cyber Security Chartership in the UK.

This notable advancement is a result of the UK Cyber Security Council receiving a Royal Charter in 2022, aimed at elevating the cybersecurity industry to a professional standard.

The Cyber Scheme is now authorized to assess and recommend individuals for Chartership, specifically in the Security Testing specialism. Furthermore, they are in the process of developing the Incident Response specialism, targeting both Chartered and Principal levels.

CIISec, in its capacity, is set to assess and endorse individuals for Chartership at Chartered, Principal, and Associate levels, focusing on three specialisms: Secure System Architecture and Design, Cyber Security Governance and Risk Management, and Cyber Security Audit and Assurance.

This achievement follows successful pilot programmes undertaken in conjunction with The Council and the cybersecurity industry, aimed at evaluating and refining the technical aspects, processes, and procedures for the application and assessment of individuals at various Chartership levels.

The Cyber Scheme’s CEO Charles White remarks: “We’re pleased to announce that we have become a Licenced Body for the UK Cyber Security Council. The professionalisation of the industry is well overdue, especially as we look to counter the growing threat of cybercrime. A chartered organisation which reflects an individual’s experience, skills, and knowledge is critical for UK Plc growth and crucial for those employing such skills.”

“I’m also delighted to be able to announce our appointment alongside CIISec who have also become a Licenced Body, a close working partner of The Cyber Scheme and a voice for the industry as a whole.”

Amanda Finch, CEO of CIISec, states: “The Chartered Institute of Information Security (CIISec) is so pleased to be one of the first Licensed Bodies for the UK Cyber Security Council alongside The Cyber Scheme. We have already welcomed through many newly-chartered individuals to the industry, and look forward to chartering many more to come.”

Annmarie Dann, Director of Professional Standards for the UK Cyber Security Council, says: “’We are delighted to be working in partnership with CIISec and The Cyber Scheme as we officially open for applications. This comes after our much-anticipated awards ceremony to celebrate the first 100 individuals who have obtained a Professional Registration Title through the Council. We are excited to see many more practitioners complete the process and flourish within the sector. By working closely with the Council and our Licensed Bodies you can be a part of cyber security’s future”.

The Cyber Scheme and CIISec are now welcoming applications for Chartership. They will be releasing application forms and detailed guidance for experienced cyber security industry professionals shortly. Interested parties can seek further information by emailing or

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