Woman’s Disturbing Experience with Buccal Fat Removal Sparks Warning Against Procedure

A woman has gained widespread attention online by sharing her harrowing encounter with buccal fat removal, a cosmetic procedure that left her in excruciating pain and led her to spend £719 ($900) each month on cheek fillers.

Pammie Kyle Dandan became an internet sensation earlier this year when she candidly revealed her extensive history of cosmetic surgeries, cautioning others about the dangers associated with such procedures.

Over the years, Pammie underwent more than 30 cosmetic treatments on her face and body, accumulating expenses of £100,000. Recently, she recounted her ordeal with buccal fat removal, which targets the fat located between the cheekbones and jaw, shaping the face’s appearance.

“I experienced excruciating pain and felt significant tugging, particularly on the left side where removal proved challenging,” shared Pammie in an interview with NeedToKnow.co.uk.

“The procedure made me feel larger than ever, exacerbating my body dysmorphia.”

Pammie was unprepared for the drastic changes it caused to her face and strongly discourages others from pursuing the surgery.

The 39-year-old author from Los Angeles elaborated, “My right side now shows minimal fat, but it took two years for the healing process without leaving it looking like I had pierced my cheeks. The two visible holes on my face were hard to miss. I experienced swelling for around two months and couldn’t go out without wearing a hat.”

Pammie initially spent £3,597 ($4,500) on the surgery, initially seeking dimpleplasty, a procedure to enhance the appearance of dimples. When her desired results were not achieved, she opted for buccal fat removal, hoping it would help. Unfortunately, it caused her face to sag.

Now, she must invest £719 ($900) monthly on cheek fillers to maintain her appearance.

Pammie, who already struggled with body dysmorphia, found that the surgery worsened her condition.

“I became overly fixated on my appearance, redoing my makeup multiple times a day. I frequently changed outfits and washed clothes constantly,” she explained.

Pammie underwent the surgery at the age of 27 in 2011. She shared her story on YouTube (@Pammiekyle), where the video garnered over 6,900 views, numerous likes, and an influx of comments.

In the video, she clenches her face to demonstrate the altered shape of her jaw. Pammie offers detailed explanations, emphasizing that once the fat is removed, it cannot be regained.

She earnestly implores her viewers to avoid buccal fat removal altogether.

One user expressed gratitude, stating, “You inspire me to make positive changes in my life. Thank you.”

Nessa commented, “Thanks for the information!”

Diana shared, “I recently had the surgery, and it’s been the worst thing that could have happened to me.”

Another viewer wrote, “You are incredibly beautiful!”

Someone else remarked, “Why are you worried about aging? You look 25.”

Francesca added, “Once removed, it cannot be restored.”

Christine commented, “Facial fat gives a youthful appearance. I never understood why thin individuals desire to remove facial fat, as they end up appearing gaunt and aged.”

Since her buccal fat removal experience, Pammie has acquired a better understanding of cosmetic procedures and continues to receive monthly cheek fillers.

Article put together by Z News Service images by Jam Press (contact them for usage)

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