Tragic Fate: Pilot Who Survived 13 Days in Amazon Rainforest Following First Crash Dies in Second Tragedy

In a heart-wrenching turn of events, Otávio Augusto Munhoz da Silva, the pilot who garnered worldwide attention last year after surviving a harrowing 13-day ordeal in the Amazon rainforest following a plane crash, tragically lost his life in a second aviation mishap.

Munhoz da Silva, who was 38 years old, met his untimely demise last week when his aircraft crashed in Mucajaí, Roraima, Brazil. The devastating incident unfolded on August 28th, near the Venezuelan border, approximately 214 kilometers from the capital, Boa Vista.

Authorities have reported that the ill-fated crash transpired in the city of Pacaraima, within a densely forested area. Tragically, the lifeless body of Munhoz da Silva, originally hailing from Paraná, was discovered on September 1st.

Heartbreakingly, it was revealed by his cousin, Alexandre Munhoz, to local media that Munhoz da Silva’s body had remained submerged for five agonizing days. The loss has inflicted immeasurable suffering upon the pilot’s grieving mother.

According to the bereaved family, Munhoz da Silva was a private pilot who had been actively engaged in air taxi services within the Boa Vista region. Remarkably, following his astonishing survival story in the Amazon wilderness last year, he had bravely returned to the skies, resuming his work until this tragic accident claimed his life.

In response to this heartrending incident, the Civil Police have initiated an investigation to uncover the circumstances surrounding the second crash.

Otávio Augusto Munhoz da Silva will be laid to rest in his hometown of Londrina, leaving behind a legacy of resilience and a poignant tale of survival that captivated the world.

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