A woman often referred to as the ‘world’s sexiest scientist,’ Rosie Moore, has showcased a remarkable encounter in which she pinned down an alligator using her thighs. Rosie, a 26-year-old geoscientist from Florida, USA, is known for her interactions with various animals, including marine predators like sharks and poisonous toads. With a following of 95,000 on Instagram, she also works as an influencer, sharing her adventurous experiences.

In her latest post, Rosie is seen straddling a large alligator, and she explains the situation, saying, “Typically when nuisance alligators are captured in the state of Florida, they’re euthanized by the trapper. Lucky for this guy, he’s being relocated to my friend’s property. There, he’ll be given a brand new home with lots of land.”

Rosie, a geoscientist specializing in human-environmental interactions and spatial technology, also provides a crucial message about alligator safety: “Alligators less than four feet in length are not large enough to be dangerous to people or pets unless handled. Never feed a wild alligator.”
Her daring encounter received various comments from fans, including:
- One fan: “Hottest alligator wrestler ever.”
- Alexis: “I’ve never wanted to be an alligator so bad.”
- Tomas: “Oh come on, you can’t be a real person. Stunningly beautiful and so awesome.”
- Rob: “You caught that alligator in that outfit?”
- Dylan: “This looks like it should be on an 80s movie poster or something.”

The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission has established a Statewide Nuisance Alligator Program to “proactively address alligator threats in developed areas.” According to authorities, alligators are considered a nuisance if they are at least four feet in length and are perceived to pose a threat to residents, domestic animals, or property.
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